Thursday, April 07, 2011

Indian Viagra in Siddha Medicine also used for limb paralysis and to improve spermatogenesis

Indira kobam in Siddha medicine is refferd to velvet mite i.e. Trombidium grandissimum which is endemic to the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent. Alternate names for it include Bir Bahuti, Scarlet Fly, Lady Fly, Velvet Buchi (Telugu term commonly used in Hyderabad, India), 'Aarudra Purugu' (another Telugu word from around Hyderabad, India because one sees them only in the season 'Aarudra'), 'Sadhaba Bohu'(Oriya term meaning 'bride of the Seafarer'owing to the Red velvet coat and beautiful looks) and Rani Keeda (Hindi/Urdu: Queen Mite). The mites are visible in large numbers early in the Monsoon season and so are also called
rain mites in the subcontinent. In Gujarat, the term for velvet mite is "Gokal Gaay" or "Mama Ni Gaay". Bir Bahuti is used as an ingredient in traditional Indian medicine.

The oil from red velvet mite "Trombidium grandissimum" is useful for paralysis. Also, due to its ability to increase sexual desire, Trombidium is named as ‘Indian Viagra’ (Click to Get the reference)

It folds its legs when it comes in contact with a predator. It can be clearly observed when picked up. It will unfold its legs and start moving once it feels that it's out of danger; and can be observed walking again after some minutes if left untouched.

In traditional Siddha Medical Literatures in has been quoted for various diseases/disorders as under.

It is an insect which is found grown during rainy season. It is found in gardens and red sand soils. The insect is collected, dried in the sun shade and sold in the market. The insect has got the property of producing hyperthermia and dryness. Hence, if this is given to the people with heat body, it may produce adverse effect.
It cures eczema (karumegam), spermattorhoea and kapha diseases. It helps to attain kaya siddhi. It delays wrinkles, greying and oldage.

The text Romarishi Vaidyam 500 indicates that this fly contains cop-per and also the methods of extracting copper from it. Sattaimuni Nigandu reveals the methods of preparation of chendooram from the extracted es-sence of copper from this insect.

Uses in Siddha Medicine:

1.The ashes of the insect dissolved in a little water is given twice daily for whooping cough.
2.As it strengthens nerves and muscles, the ashes may be mixed with honey and given for paralytic attacks.
3.It is boiled with oil and used as local application for paralysis.
4.It is also useful for deep seated pain (soolai noi), mixed with nutmeg.
5.This can be ground with honey wax to form paste which may ( kalimbu) be applied over the joint swellings.
6. The ashes mixed in breast milk when applied over the penis, improves masculinity.
7. If the ashes mixed in jaggery and taken internally, improves spermatogenesis.

Image courtesy: briangratwicketonrulkens, Wikipedia

All the above details given are for information purpose only. It is not advisable to try anything yourself. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified Siddha Physician before taking any Siddha Medication.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information... I really love your blog posts... specially those on Indian medicine


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