Sunday, May 27, 2012

Spectroscopic Analysis of Siddha Medicine “Nandukkal Parpam” (நண்டுக்கல் பற்பம்)

“Nandukkal Parpam” a Siddha Medicine preparation is mainly used for curing the urinary obstructions, inflammation of uro-genital tract and grand in urine and bladder. This paper deals with the study of UV spectroscopy and constant deviation spectrograph on this medicine.

It's another important study done by a Non-Siddha Graduate S.Ariponnammal, Department of Physics, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Dindigul District Tamil Nadu, INDIA. The study has been reported in Research Journal of Recent Sciences Vol. 1(5), 59-61, May (2012).


A siddha medicine namely “Nandukkal Parpam” has  been analysed by using UV spectroscopy and constant deviation spectrograph. An attempt has been made to study the parpam based on physicist point of view and the study reveals that the medicine contains iron and calcium as major constituents and traces of sodium and silicon.

Methods incorporated in the study

The siddha medicine “Nandukkal Parpam” has been purchased from siddha unit and used as such for the present study. The UV visible spectrum of the sample has been recorded in the region of 200-800nm using perkin Elenerlamda 35 model UV spectrophotometer and is shown in figure 1. The emission spectrum of constant deviation spectrograph has been recorded and the emission lines have been indexed by using standard values.

Read the full text of this paper at
The full paper can be downloaded in .pdf format


  1. vanakkam sent the pic for ur review

  2. Dear Mr.Kaleel, thanks for the update
    but we did not received any pic.


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