Monday, June 25, 2012

Eezathu Sitha Siromanigal siddha history ebook download

Eezathu Sitha Siromanigal  (ஈழத்துச் சித்த சிரோமணிகள்) written by Va.Selliah deals with history and related details of the 7 siddhars who lived in Srilanka.

Publication details

The ebook has been created from the 1st edition of the hard copy published in 2003 by Siva Yoga Swami Trust of Srilanka Priced 75 Rupees.

This book has been digitized by as a part of their mission to digitize the books of Srilanka.

Download details
Pages: 55
File format: .pdf
Size: 4.8mb
(Right click the button and choose "save as")

See the main page to read online and download various formats of the E-book at

Note: If you are logged in to Google, click the download button and wait for Google docs to load the e-book and choose "download original".

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