Thursday, January 17, 2013

Vaithiya Malai Agarathi (வைத்திய மலை அகராதி) a glossary of Siddha Medical Terms Ebook

Vaithiya Malai Agaraathi_ Ebook By SIDDHADREAMS
Vaithiya Malai Agarathi (வைத்திய மலை அகராதி) is a glossary of Siddha Medicine.

The original publication in hard copy (first edition) done on 1892 by Ramasamy Nayudu of Thakkolam.

SIDDHADREAMS is proud to dedicate this book to public domain at the largest free online book archive.

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Vaithiya Malai Agaraathi_ Siddhadreams Ebook
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See the main page to read online and download various formats of the E-book at

Note: If you are logged in to Google, click the download button and wait for Google docs to load the e-book and choose "download original".

The Original Scanned images are obtained from Digital Library of India (DLI) the largest online archive of books in Indian Languages.

1 comment:

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