Tamil to English Dictionary of Medicine by TV Sambasivam Pillai (சாம்பசிவம் பிள்ளை சித்த மருத்துவ அகராதி) Volume 5 Ebook download

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The greatest contribution to Siddha medicine in last century, The Tamil to English Dictionary of Medicine - Chemistry, Botany and Allied Sciences edited by Thanjavur Vilvayyaa mannaiyaar Sambasivam Pillai @ TV Sambasivam Pillai (சாம்பசிவம் பிள்ளை சித்த மருத்துவ அகராதி) extends More than 6000 pages having detailed description for almost all terms used in Siddha Medicine and other allied sciences is on public domain now!  It's our humble tribute...

Tamil to English Dictionary of Medicine by TV Sambasivam Pillai (சாம்பசிவம் பிள்ளை சித்த மருத்துவ அகராதி) Volume 1-4 Ebook download

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On this auspicious day of our People’s President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s Birth anniversary, as per his preaching, SIDDHADREAMS is proud to publish a great book in public domain “Tamil to English Dictionary of Medicine - Chemistry, Botany and Allied Sciences by TV Sambasivam Pillai”. Get your Hard disks/ Memory cards ready! The greatest contribution to Siddha medicine in last century, The Tamil...

Pogar 7000 & Thirumanthiram Android Apps Download

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Bogar 7000 an android app developed by Baskar PC of vasithwam.com from the text source published already by Siddhadreams. Download Bogar 7000 android app from google play. The same app developer has also published another legendary work on Siddha Medicine the Thirumanthiram. Download Thirumanthiram android app from google play. Siddhadreams is proud to introduce both the apps! Image Source: Google play ...

Android apps on Siddha Medicine download

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Siddhadreams is proud to introduce "Vaithiyam" an app with information on Siddha Medicine  for android platform devices which is the first of its kind Developed and published by S-Novabits available free of cost. "Vaithiyam-Pro" a Pro-Version of the same app is also available for a Nominal cost. Download the "Vaithiyam" app from google play android market. Another app namely "Paati Vaitthiyam" with information on simple medications for various ailments....

Agathiyar Vaithiya Rathina Surukkam (அகத்தியர் வைத்திய இரத்தினச் சுருக்கம்) ebook

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Agathiyar Vaithiya Rathina Surukkam (அகத்தியர் வைத்திய இரத்தினச் சுருக்கம்) is a book deals with the basic principles of Siddha Medicine and describes about preparation of various types of Siddha medicines. This covers siddha medicine preparation, treatment aspects and so on.  The original publication in hard copy (first edition) done on 1898 by Ramasamy Nayudu of Thakkolam. SIDDHADREAMS is proud to dedicate this book to public domain...

Vaithiya Malai Agarathi (வைத்திய மலை அகராதி) a glossary of Siddha Medical Terms Ebook

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Vaithiya Malai Agarathi (வைத்திய மலை அகராதி) is a glossary of Siddha Medicine. The original publication in hard copy (first edition) done on 1892 by Ramasamy Nayudu of Thakkolam. SIDDHADREAMS is proud to dedicate this book to public domain at archive.org the largest free online book archive. Download details  ...

Siddha legend Dr.CN Deivanayagam passes away

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Renowned chest physician and peace activist C. N. Deivanayagam died in the city on Monday. He was 70. He had been ailing from cancer for a few years. Born on November 15, 1942, Dr. Deivanayagam chose healing as his metier and went on to graduate in medicine from Madras Medical College in 1965. He underwent training in Scotland and Northern Ireland for 18...
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