4th World Ayurveda Congress
December 9 to 13 2010,
Bengaluru, India

Department of AYUSH, Govt of India, Department of Health Education, Govt of Karnataka and Vijnana Bharati together invite abstracts of scientific papers from researchers, academicians, Physicians and students for paper and poster presentations during the 4th World Ayurveda Congress.
The global platform created through WAC brings in more than 200 eminent internationally acclaimed scientists who represents the who is who in this sector and 4000 paid delegates of which are 750 foreign delegates representing various reputed institutions. The Arogya expo is poised to bring in half a million visitors making it the biggest Expo in the field of CAM across the globe.
WAC offers to its participant’s international exposure and recognition. Those who present papers and posters can be assured to be part of quality and cited publications in print as well as electronic media through pre- congress abstracts and post-congress proceedings.
The congress has as its focal theme, “Ayurveda for All” and offers 17 plenary sessions, plus several concurrent parallel tracks together creating venue for 200 paper presentations and 450 posters.
The 42 different subjects identified are detailed in the website.
Abstracts are invited from the fields of ayurveda, modern medicine & other medical systems, veterinary medicine and all tributary sciences such as botany, biochemistry, molecular biology, biomedical engineering, biotechnology and concerned social and financial areas.
Last date for submission of Abstracts is 20th August 2010.
For registration and other details visit: www.ayurworld.org
Those delegates selected for paper presentation will be provided with free accommodation.
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